Training & Development Committee Report 2021 to 2022


As we close the stage on the year 2021 to 2022, we are happy to present the report of the Training and Development Committee of the Human Resource Management Association of Barbados (HRMAB) on the training initiatives for the year.

The Members of the Committee are as follows:

Tisha Peters – Chairperson

Committee Members: Anthony Sobers, Clyde King, Janiel Yearwood, Kerrigan Roach, Khadijah Haynes, Kharla King, Kimberly Jemmott, Krystal Harris, Marisa Joseph, Marjorie Wharton, Paulette Cheltenham, Rhea Broomes, Shakira Forde, Shanice Hunte, Tania Nicholls, 

The primary purpose of the Training and Development Committee was to promote and support membership development by providing quality training programs for members and non-members and to develop membership capacity on trending topics within the HR field. While the pandemic continued with variants that adversely affected our in-person sessions, we continued with online training using video conferencing platform Zoom. We felt that it was necessary to create and educate our young and aspiring HR professionals with trending topics and using dynamic speakers for each session. We touched on topics that affect HR Professionals specifically like mental health and EAP and Recruitment and Selection as well as showing our aspiring members how to navigate difficult topics including interview skills.

Session DateMembers Non-MembersTotal AttendeesIncome
5-May-21292150$  1,775.00 
18-May-21324981$  3,250.00 
3-Jun-2142547$               –   
23-Jun-2113316$     475.00 
29-Jul-2181220$     800.00 
28-Sep-2124933$     225.00 
13-Oct-2125833$     200.00 
11-Nov-223700$  0
26-Jan-228412$     700.00 
16-Feb-22707$               –   
 207116323$  7,550.00 

 *Session not held at time of this report.


The year started with several initiatives by the COM as the full Committee was not established until September 2021

MAY 2021

HR Decision Makers: The Review of the Republic Bank vs Sonya Toppin Case – May 5, 2021

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29 members; 21 Non-Members

Total Income: $1,775.00

HR Decision Makes: Jab for Jobs – May 18, 2021

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Members: 32; Non-Members: 49

Total Income: $3,250.00

June 2021

There were two (2) sessions held in June 2021

HR Change Makers Series: What CEOs Want – June 3, 2021


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Members: 42

Non-Members: 5

No income for this session.

PR for HR – June 23, 2021

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Members: 13

Non-Members: 3

Total income: $475

JULY 2021

Upskilling – Protocols and Parliamentary Procedures – Where, When & How – July 29, 2021

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Members: 8

Non-Members: 12

Total Income: $800


Orientation vs Onboarding: As HR Practitioners What Do We need to Know. September 28, 2021

The session was hosted by Ms. Katrina Sam, Director of Human Resources & Administration (Ag) at the Caribbean Development Bank who spoke about the importance of having a well-designed Onboarding programme. We were also given insight into how the CDB handles this process and it was well received by all participants. 


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Members: 24

Non-Members: 9

Income: $225


We then tackled mental health and wellness for HR professionals with a two-part series hosted by Julie Turney, Founder & CEO of HR @Heart Consulting Inc. on October 13 who spoke about Mental Health Preparedness in HR and Joana Matthews, Counselling Psychologist on October 20 who spoke about Stress Management and How EAPs can help HR professionals.

Ms. Turney’s presentation: According to the World Health Organization, the global spend for mental illness absence in the workplace in 2020 was over USD 1 trillion. Is HR prepared for the mental health issues coming out of the pandemic as employee’s return to work? In this session, we will discuss the mental health challenges being faced in the workforce and what HR can do within the scope of their role to increase their mental health awareness and support employees and themselves. 

Ms. Matthew’s presentation was on Stress Management and how EAP can help. Effectively managing stress allows us to become more productive at home and at work. This webinar will focus on practical ways to prevent and reduce stress for yourself as well as your employees. Additionally, we will discuss how EAP services can contribute to stress management for you and your employees.


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Members: 25

Non-Members: 8

Total: $325.00


In November 2021 we looked at Psychological Safety: A Key to Increasing Employee Engagement with Ambassador Joan H. Underwood, Talent Development Specialist and Author. As HR Professionals we need to create a safe space for our employees so they can be productive at work. Ms. Underwood, discussed the importance of psychological safely in the workplace and the role it plays in increasing employee engagement.

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Members: 19

Non-Members: 5

Income: $200


As the new year commenced, we looked at starting the new year by giving HR professionals a jump start on Effective Recruitment and Selection with our Committee Member, Mr. Kerrigan Roach, Managing Director of Enhance Business Solutions. We looked at workforce trends that are impacting HR, the Recruitment and Selection Process as well as Best Practices in recruitment in 2021.

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Members: 8

Non-Members: 4

Income: $700


With the goal to provide developmental tips to job seekers with an in depth look at Interview mistakes that could cost them the job hosted by Ms. Tiffany Jones, Head of Talent Management at The Job Connect. This presentation focused on the common mistakes that job seekers make which they may not be aware of including situations that happen during the interview process and occasionally before. 


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Members: 7

Non-Members: 0

At the time of writing this report, data for the last session for the year isn’t included. For the current term, the focus will be on driving more collaborations and possibly using YouTube for additional content as well as more paid topics for both members and non-members alike so increase the bottom line.

Tisha Peters

Chairperson, Training and Development Committee