Latest Posts

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Digital Age

The Rise of the Gig Economy and Changing Employment Models

Legal Considerations for remote work arrangements.

The Impact of Automation on Jobs: Strategies for Workforce Transition

Cyber Security Essentials for the Work Space

What every employee should understand about online vulnerabilities and how to identify and prevent them.

Free Until February 18th 2022

* Free for a limited time compliments Workin' Caribbean

FREE Online Course

Sexual Harassment Prevention Act

We examine the intended purpose of Barbados' sexual harassment prevention act, define sexual harassment, outline the employer’s responsibilities and the employee’s rights, ensure clear understanding of the role of the chief labour officer, the employment’s rights tribunal and discuss penalties for non compliance.

sign up for our E-Learning course exploring Barbados' latest labour legislation


* Free for a limited time compliments Workin' Caribbean


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Set the bar and make your recruitment efforts stand out, reach the widest audience of active job seekers and join our mission in future-proofing of the Caribbean workforce.